# Installation instructions. # # The Pommerman homepage is located at # https://www.pommerman.com/ # # These instructions are based on the docs at # https://github.com/suphoff/pommerman/tree/master/docs # # To setup a virtual environment for the necessary python packages # install anaconda from https://www.anaconda.com/download/ # If anaconda is too big you can also install miniconda from # https://conda.io/miniconda.html or use virtual environments in another way # Create virtual environment for pommerman conda create -n pommerman python=3.6 # Activate pommerman virtual environment source activate pommerman # Git clone pommerman playground using a specific git version so that everyone has the same version git clone https://github.com/MultiAgentLearning/playground cd playground git reset 164ff38f7844696fc4a5e97487e57c6f358cb94a # Install playground pip install -U . # Try out the example script (should display 4 agents running around and exploding things) python examples/simple_ffa_run.py # You can try out different ready made agents by modifying the "simple_ffa_run.py" script - SimpleAgent includes some smart heuristics - RandomAgent chooses random actions - With PlayerAgent you can use the keyboard to control the agent # To disable visualization change "render_mode='rgb_array'"