For all Ph.D. and Post-Doc jobs, please apply ONLY through >this Application Website<. Same for internships and scholarships including CSC, DAAD WISE, etc. Only applications through this website can be considered, applicants who email their applications will be not be considered.

For students of the TU Darmstadt we ocasionally have HiWi positions. Please check them in (undergraduate/M.Sc.) Student Jobs!

Jobs and Open Positions

As a dynamic research group, we are interested in outstanding Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars in robotics, machine learning, and biomimetic motor control. Only in rare exceptions, we have openings for external students for internships or master's theses unless they are already enrolled with TU Darmstadt. For exceptional students from the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, we offer internships through the IREP program, but please apply directly through the IREP program. Scholarship applications (including DAAD WISE, CSC or other) and internship will only be considered if send through this website.

See here for more information for applicants.

Open Robotics & Machine Learning Positions

The Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab (IAS) at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) is seeking for highly qualified POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS and PH.D. STUDENTS interested in Machine Learning for Robotics. Currently, we have several openings all in line with our research topics, please relate to these such that we can see whether you fit.

Please mention in your application which project interests you (do not mention more than two and why you are qualified for them) and by whom you would like to be pre-interviewed.

Outstanding students and researchers from the areas of AI+Robotics and machine learning as well as related areas including control engineering or computer vision are welcome to apply. The candidates are expected to conduct independent research and at the same time contribute to ongoing projects in the areas listed above. Successful candidates can furthermore be given the opportunity to work with undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.

IAS members have been extraordinarily successful in terms of publications (both at top robotics and top machine learning venues), awards (best European robotics PhD thesis awards, best computer science thesis, AI newcomer of the year, ...), academic jobs (17 professors at top schools including KIT, UCL, U. Tokyo and CMU; postdocs at UC Berkeley, MIT, CMU, ... ) and industry jobs (Amazon, Boston Dynamics, Facebook, Google, Sony AI).

Position Requirements

Interns need to have had prior research experience and relevant course work to robotics and/or machine learning, as well as a really good reason why they want to intern with us as we only take very few applicants.

Ph.D. position applicants need to have a Master's degree in a relevant field (e.g., Robotics, Computer Science, Engineering including e.g. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Statistics & Optimization, Math and Physics) and have exhibited their ability to perform research in either robotics or machine learning. First publications or an uploaded excellent M.Sc. thesis are beneficial for the candidates chances.

A successful Post-doc applicant should have a strong robotics and/or machine learning background with a track record of top-tier research publications, including relevant conferences (e.g., RSS, ICRA, IROS or ICML, IJCAI, AAAI, NIPS, AISTATS) and journals (e.g., AURO, TRo, IJRR or JMLR, MLJ, Neural Computation). A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computational, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering (or another field clearly related to robotics and/or machine learning) as well as strong organizational and coordination skills are a must.

Expertise in working with real robot systems is a big plus for all applicants.

How to Apply?

All complete applications submitted through our online application system found at our

Apply here: >Application Website<

will be considered. There is no fixed deadline: the positions will be filled as soon as possible. Ph.D. applicants should provide at least a research statement, a PDF with their CV, degrees, and grade-sheets, and two references who are willing to write a recommendation letter. PostDoc applicants require three references and, in addition, should provide their top three publications. Please ensure to include a link to your research web-site as well as your date of availability.

Please make clear in your research statement on your research interest and experience, how these relate to IAS and how they relate to the topics listed above. Importantly, do not waste space on "Dear Dr. ", your childhood experiences or why your university is such a nice school. We are interested in you and how well you fit to us.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Jan Peters or any IAS post-docs during the upcoming conferences. Candidates giving a presentation at one of these conferences are invited to send a corresponding note to us.

More information needed? See here!