
  author =		 "Zhijun, Z. and  Tingzhong, F. and  Ziyi, Y. and  Long, J. and  Lin, X. and  Yuping, S. and  Zhuliang, Y. and  Yuanqing, L.",
  year =		 "2018",
  title =		 "A Varying-Parameter Convergent-Differential Neural Network for Solving Joint-Angular-Drift Problems of Redundant Robot Manipulators",
  booktitle =		 "IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics",
  key =			 "manipulators and mathematical model and neural networks and kinematics and task analysis and standards and joint-angular-drift problem and neural networks and quadratic programming (qp) and redundant robot manipulators and repetitive motion planning (rmp)",
  URL =			 "",
  crossref =		 "p11732"