Aryaman Reddi

I'm Aryaman, a PhD student interested in multi-agent reinforcement learning and game theory. I'm based in TU Darmstadt and I'm supervised by Professor Carlo D'Eramo of the LiteRL group.

I studied Information and Computer Engineering at the University of Cambridge, where I received my BA and MEng. My Master's thesis, titled "Deep Q-Learning for Congruent Non-Dominated Game Strategies", investigated the generalisability of deep Q-learning agents under bounded rationality, and was supervised by Professor Glenn Vinnicombe of the Control Group.


    •       Bib
      Reddi, A.; Toelle, M.; Peters, J.; Chalvatzaki, G.; D'Eramo, C. (2024). Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning via Bounded Rationality Curricula, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Spotlight.
    •     Bib
      Holgado-Alvarez, J.H.; Reddi, A.; D'Eramo, C. (2024). Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance with Bounded Rationality Adversarial Reinforcement Learning, CoRL 2024 Locolearn Workshop.