Suman Pal
Research Interests
Industrial Automation, Computer Vision, Robotics, Visual Imitation Learning
1. Telekinesis
2. TU Darmstadt, Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Computer Science Department
Taunusanlage 8, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Suman Pal joined the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group at TU Darmstadt in January 2021. He is the co-founder and CEO of Telekinesis, the first ever spin-off from the IAS lab. His interest lies in bridging the gap between cutting edge robotics and computer vision research and the industry. Particularly he focuses making robotics and automation more accessible to small and medium sized manufacturing companies.
Previously, he completed his Bachelor’s in Mathematics and Computer Science at Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education and subsequently obtained a Master’s in Advanced Robotics from Ecole Centrale de Nantes and the University of Genova. He wrote his Master’s thesis on “Deep Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic POMDP Environments” under the supervision of Joni Pajarinen, Dorothea Koert and Jan Peters.