
Teaching assistant for Projektkurs CE SoSe 2018 Teaching assistant for Statistical Machine Learning SoSe 2019


  • Master Thesis, "Reinforcement Learning and Implicit Feedback", Tosik, T. (ongoing)
  • Master Thesis, "The Relation between Social Interaction and Intrinsic Motivation in Reinforcement Learning" Brendgen, J. (ongoing)
  • Master Thesis , "Intuitive imitation learning for one-handed and bimanual tasks using ProMPs", Knaust, M. (2019)
  • Master Thesis, "Learning from Human Feedback: A Comparison of Interactive Reinforcement Learning Algorithms", Kircher, M. (2019)
  • Master Thesis, "Deep Robot Reinforcement Learning for Assisting a Human", Pal, S. (2019)
  • Master Thesis, "Probabilistic Motion and Intention Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles", Jukonyte, L. (2019)
  • Master Thesis, "Pedestrian Detection, Tracking and Intention Prediction in the Context of autonomous Driving", Hoffmann, D. (2019)
  • Master Thesis, "Multimodal Uncertainty Reduction for Intention Recognition in a Human-Robot Environment" Trick, S. (2018)
  • Master Thesis, “Comparison and Evaluation of Concepts for SLAM in the Context of Autonomous Driving”, Bug,D (2018)
  • Master Thesis,"Interactive Planning Under Uncertainty', Hoelscher, J (2017)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Learning a library of Physical Interactions for Social Robots", Gassen, M. (ongoing)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Developing a Robot Head for Internal State Visualization", Vincenti, A. (2021)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Using Multimodal Human Feedback for Reinforcement Learning", Herbert, F. (2021)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Person Recognition via Videoand Audio Data", Andres, M., (2021)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Development of an Interactive Gesture Recognition System for an Assistive Robot", Schramm, M.(2020)
  • Bachelor Thesis,"Comparison of Methods for Human Feedback as a Reward-Signal in Reinforcement Learning", Hellwig, J., (ongoing)
  • Bachelor Thesis,"Integration of LIDAR SLAM for an automous vehicle", Kirschner, M., (2020)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Imitation Learning for Highlevel Robot behavior in the context of elderly assistance", Lang, M. (2019)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Trajectory Based Upper Body Gesture Recognition for an Assistive Robot", Divo, F. (2019)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Towards a Robot Skill Library Using Hierarchy, Composition and Adaptation", Kaiser, F. (2019)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Collision Avoidance in Uncertain Environments for Autonomous Vehicles using POMDPs", Schotschneider, A (2018)
  • Bachelor Thesis. Development and Evaluation of 3D Autoencoders for Feature Extraction, Hesse, R. (2017)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Matching Bundles of Axons Using Feature Graphs" Zecevic, M. (2017).
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Transferring Insights on Mental Training to Robot Motor Skill Learning", Szelag, S. (2017)
  • Bachelor Thesis, "Transferring Insights on Biological Sleep to Robot Motor Skill Learning", Rother, D (2017)