Paul Jansonnie
Research Interests
Robotics, Soft Body Manipulation, Skill Learning.
1. TU Darmstadt, Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Computer Science Department
2. Naver Labs Europe, Robot Learning Team
Room E226, Building S2|02, TU Darmstadt, FB-Informatik, FG-IAS, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt
I joined the Intelligent Autonomous System lab in October 2022 as a PhD student in collaboration with Naver Labs Europe. I am mainly advised by Prof. Jan Peters and Dr. Oleg Arenz at TU Darmstadt and by Dr. Seungsu Kim and Dr. Jean-Michel Renders at Naver Labs Europe.
Teaching Assistant
- Robot Learning (WS 2023)
- Probabilistic Methods in Computer Science (WS 2024)
I am particularly interested in robotic manipulation and I currently work on soft body manipulation. Prior to joining IAS, I was a research engineer at Naver Labs Europe, where I worked on using self-play for the discovery of high-level motion primitives for rigid body manipulation. I graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, where I received one master's degree in Electrical Engineering (M2 E3A) and one in Machine Learning and Computer Vision (M2 MVA).
I am happy to collaborate with motivated students to work on soft body manipulation. Students should feel free to contact me to discuss exciting research directions.
- Jansonnie, P.; Wu, B.; Perez, J.; Peters J. (2024). Unsupervised Skill Discovery for Robotic Manipulation through Automatic Task Generation, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids).