Nico Bohlinger

Nico Bohlinger joined the Intelligent Autonomous System lab on July 15, 2023, as a PhD student. He is working on robot locomotion and active perception by applying Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and Machine Learning in general. His main robot platforms are currently the Unitree A1 and the MAB Silver Badger quadrupeds.

Nico holds a bachelor's degree in Business Informatics from the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences and a master's degree in Bioinformatics from the Goethe University Frankfurt.
He was previously part of the RoboCup teams Magma and Sweaty in Offenburg and developed DRL environments to learn complex soccer skills. Here is a recent interview with him in German.
Furthermore, he is developing the research-focused DRL framework RL-X.


  •       Bib
    Bohlinger, N.; Czechmanowski, G.; Krupka, M.; Kicki, P.; Walas, K.; Peters, J.; Tateo, D. (2024). One Policy to Run Them All: an End-to-end Learning Approach to Multi-Embodiment Locomotion, Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL).
  •     Bib
    Bohlinger, N.; Dorer, K. (2023). RL-X: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Library (not only) for RoboCup, RoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVI, Springer-Verlag.
  •     Bib
    Bohlinger, N. (2023). Intrinsically Motivated Agents for Goal Discovery in High Dimensional State Spaces, Master Thesis.
  •     Bib
    Bohlinger, N.; Braun, H.; Dorer, K.; Ehlers, L.; Huber, D.; Huber, H.; Glaser, S.; Schillings, R.; Scholz, J.; Wolffram, M. (2022). The magmaOffenburg 2022 RoboCup 3D Simulation Team.

Supervised Theses and Projects

Thesis/ProjectTopicStudent(s)Together with
M.Sc. ThesisOn-robot Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped LocomotionJonathan KinzelDaniel Palenicek
M.Sc. ThesisGait Stability Analysis of Quadruped Robots with the Unitree A1Arne BickMaximilian Stasica, Omid Mohseni
Robot Learning: Integrated ProjectLearning Torque Control for QuadrupedsDaniel Schmidt, Lina Gaumann 
Robot Learning: Integrated ProjectStudent-Teacher Learning for simulated QuadrupedsKeagan Holmes, Oliver Griess, Oliver Grein 
Expert Work in Robot LearningDeep RL with the Silver Badger robot in MJXLeon MagnusOleg Arenz
Humanoid Robotics SeminarReinforcement Learning for Humanoid LocomotionQiao Sun